4/20/2018 12:00:00 AM General Counsel: what do they want from law firms By Tom Elgar Last week the Passle caravan headed to New Orleans to the LMA, a spring in our step and hope in our hearts. Six hours of jet lag and a...
3/19/2018 12:00:00 AM Qualification: The Key to Creating Client-Relevant Content By Freddy Dobinson When done effectively, qualification can be the difference between competing for the wrong projects and positioning your firm's expertise...
3/8/2018 12:00:00 AM The Trusted Source By Passle Today I'm at the #EdgeRecruit event in London. On stage a moment ago was Passle's Tom Elgar, speaking about the Expert-to-Expert theory...
2/1/2018 12:00:00 AM Five things that make content influential and how to get all Five. By Adam Elgar According to Edelman, the five components of good thought-leadership are that it is: Relevant, Insightful, Digestible, Trusted and...
9/11/2017 12:00:00 AM Short-form outperforms Long-form - Edelman and LinkedIn By Adam Elgar Edelman and LinkedIn have done some research on what works with Thought Leadership. Some of the findings are quite surprising. Not least,...
6/30/2015 12:00:00 AM Hero, Hub & Hygiene - a content strategy for Professional Services Firms By Tom Elgar This framework was introduced to me during an excellent presentation at the University of Oxford's Said Business School by Iain Lewis of...