Jun 28, 2017 The age of headlines isn't over: spend more time on yours! By Passle Buzzsumo's post on the most shared headlines (from a sample set of 100 million headlines), has gone predictably viral. The author, Steve...
Oct 25, 2016 SEO-friendly headlines: start with your keyword! By Passle Here is a quick tip to make your post SEO-friendly: put the important keywords at the start of your headline. If you're creating your...
Jul 11, 2016 The best performing newsletter headlines are.... By Passle It's always fascinating to hear insights from other businesses on what works for them in terms of newsletters and email marketing. As...
Jun 20, 2016 6 in 10 people will share this post without reading it... By James Barclay I knew that lots of people shared posts without reading them fully but this figure was a surprise - it seems most sharers do not even get...
Oct 01, 2015 5 types of headlines that work better than you think By Passle The article below summarizes the 5 types of titles you find the most frequently online. They're clickbait titles, but they work, or they...