11/3/2021 10:54:28 AM CMO Series EP 15- Carolyn Manning of Mintz on the importance of a firm’s brand By Eugene McCormick Samuel Page In this episode of the podcast, Eugene McCormick is joined by Carolyn Manning, Chief Marketing and Business Development Officer at Mintz....
10/9/2019 12:00:00 AM London Law Expo - Brand is more than just a logo - it’s values and behaviours By Charles Cousins This week the Passle team were at the London Law Expo 2019. We heard from Zelinda Bennett (Marketing and Client Development Director at...
6/11/2018 12:00:00 AM Don't let the brand police get in the way of your voice By James Barclay Over the years I have ended up in lots of conversations with Brand and Marketing people at large companies about what is important when...
1/22/2018 2:06:45 PM Where does authenticity come from? By Samuel Page It is easy to see why people are approaching 2018 with a certain cynicism. In an age of "fake news" and "alternative facts", authenticity...
8/14/2017 11:49:14 AM Strip away the corporate brand and what do you have? By Passle While the article I've referenced may just be about packaging and how products look better stripped back, it got me thinking about what...
5/22/2017 3:06:27 PM Brand-Jacking, chicken nuggets and the most re-tweeted tweet of all time. By Passle I absolutely love this story. One man's quest for chicken nuggets has become the most re-tweeted tweet of all time. Even outdoing Ellen...
4/10/2017 8:11:38 AM Sharing content endorses its message but also the author and the Publisher's brand By Adam Elgar I was thinking about the post-truth phenomenon last night and I realised something that hadn’t occurred to me before. In short, it is...
9/27/2016 12:13:28 PM #CIMDigital: Is your brand creating instant impact in the physical and digital world? By Passle Something I often talk about on here is that while we promote digital marketing, it doesn’t have to replace ‘traditional’ or ‘physical’...
5/19/2016 11:39:19 AM The rise of Personal Authority By Adam Elgar Personal Authority is essentially a new badge for the brand of the individual and, as this article points out, it is becoming...
5/9/2016 8:16:51 AM The age of Innocent copycats is over: welcome artisans By Passle An entertaining post from Nick Parker heralding a wind of change in lazy branding: chatty Innocent-style branding is being replaced by...
3/23/2016 11:20:45 AM How to become a brand-watching sleuth By Passle I’m starting to get a reputation among my colleagues for being a sleuth when it comes to social mentions of Passle. I love taking...
3/15/2016 9:23:36 PM Marketing Without a Point of View is Time Wasted By Passle During this short video Dave Walters reminds us the importance of context and credible content as part of marketing. What is your...
9/26/2015 2:02:33 PM Why should you build a personal brand online? By Passle This week I was speaking at The Insurance Technology Congress to some of the most senior individuals in the Insurance sector about...
9/8/2015 2:56:59 PM 'The only constant in life and business is change': 5 questions for Edwin Dearborn By Passle Edwin Dearborn is a brand strategist and the author of Power Branding Secrets. He helps entrepreneurs, startups or existing small...
9/2/2015 3:10:17 PM What are you doing right? The art of self-awareness By Passle I’ve spent a month largely away from the internet, and I think that returning to work suddenly has made certain trends in articles stand...